BIS_1_4 final - page 4

More than 250 people attended the Inaugural
Humanitarian Award Celebration in New York
City on Thursday, October 17th, honoring
and Harvey Kaylie
Dr. Michele Shapiro
. The
evening was a fabulous success and featured former
CNN anchor Campbell Brown and Sesame Street
(Israel) muppet, Sivan, as the Masters of Ceremonies.
Held at The Essex House in Manhattan, the ballroom
highlighted centerpieces modeled on the Snoezelen
rooms at Beit Issie Shapiro and included a live/silent
auction and an engaging video showcasing parents
and children whose lives have been significantly
impacted by the organization. We were delighted
to see so many of our American Friends enjoying an
evening in support of the children at Beit Issie Shapiro.
Thank you to our superb Dinner committee led by
event co-chairs,
Shelley and Ruvan Cohen
and Josh Trump
. To all who attended: Thank you for
your time and generosity – we look forward to seeing
you again in 2014!
Over $30,000 was raised by five runners who
participated in the 2013 ING NYC Marathon
on Sunday, November 3rd, and who devoted
several months of rigorous training and active
fundraising to the American Friends.
Ari Shapiro, Josh Trump, Cal Nathan, Jennifer Graybill, Sabrina Gibbs –
Thank you for your passion and dedication!
Looking forward to seeing more motivated and fit runners help raise much-
needed funds for children with disabilities in 2014!
Every gift helps Beit Issie Shapiro maintain
2013 NYC Gala Award Dinner
Josh Trump and
Ari Shapiro
Jules Trump, Margot Marans,
Lizzy Trump, William and
Natalie Trump
Gloria and Harvey Kaylie
Jerry Lieberman
Harvey Kaylie, Dr. Michele Shapiro,
Jean Judes and Gloria Kaylie
Jules Trump, Jean Judes and
Mark Todes
Aliza Sorkin and
Gloria Kaylie
Shelley and Ruvan Cohen
2013 ING NYC Marathon
Andrew Fine and
Emily Beare
1,2,3 5,6,7,8
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